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5. Graduate-Student Training Program

5.1 Important Events

Graduate Orientation
Preparing for the Chemistry Proficiency Exams

Use free GRE Chemistry Test Practice Book available online for self-assessment; please talk to Hsin-Yu if you need help

  • course selection
Initial Course Registration

Due to the proficiency exams, course registration for the first semester in 1YR will happen after these exams (with the help of the graduate administrator).

You will likely be enrolled in (e.g., for Spring 2024):

  • 2 core/proficiency courses (6 credits)
  • seminar (1 credit)
  • research hours (2 credits)

5.2 Graduation Requirements

Course-Releted Graduation Requirements (to be checked)
line items timeline note
pass P.Chem. and 2 other proficiency exams(/courses) orientation week(/1YR) recommend: preparing and passing the exams
complete P.Chem. and 1 other core courses 1YR or 2YR recommend: early completion
18 credits of formal lectures (6 from core + 12 advanced) 1YR or 2YR recommend: transfer of previous M.Sc. credits (up to 6)
CHEM 5010 Fall of 1YR
CHEM 5940 each semester
file a Degree Plan before 2YR TBA
CHEM 6010 sequence no later than first semester in 3YR read Handbook V.B.1 carefully
CHEM 6950 (2 consecutive semesters) after completing CHEM 6010 Handbook V.B.3
Important notes about courses (see Handbook IV.G.2)
  • maintain a full course load (at least 9 credits hours), including research (CHEM 6940) and seminar (CHEM 5940)
  • maintain an average grade of "B" or better
  • no more than one semester of "F" grade on pass/fail courses throughout the program
Research-Releted Graduation Requirements (to be checked)
line items timeline note
Select a Research Advisor Apr_Fall or Jun_Spring Handbook IV.C; Graduate Research Advisor Selection Form
Select an Advisory Committee 1YR Handbook IV.C; Committee Selection Form
Select an external examiner Before Dissertation Defense Handbook IV.C
Progress review with GSSO Yearly (PRG) Handbook IV.D
Advisory Committee Meeting Yearly (PRG) (Optional) Handbook IV.D
Third-Year Research Seminar 3YR Handbook V.B.2
Dissertation Defense End of Program Handbook IV.F; plan one semester ahead
Dissertation Template

See Thesis Manual; recommendation: request up-to-date LaTeX template.

Focus on Research

While it is important to learn the basics, the success of a Ph.D. student is measured by research activities. As long as the program requirements can be fulfilled, one should prioritize research time.

Plan ahead

Review UNT Academic Calendars by Semester each semester

5.3 Training Plans

A Generic Graduate Student Plan
Orientation (1st Month)
  • Complete Standard Training
  • Discuss mutual goals/expectations
  • Determine an initial research project (see below)
  • (Optional) assign additional mentors
  • Add a short bio to the documentation system
  • Review progress and questions at the end
Initial Research Project (1st Year)


An application using existing development in the research group

Training focus

Develop research experience under a closely mentored setting (student could shadow a mentor if necessary)

Manuscript Preparation

  • carry out data collection and prepare comprehensive scripts to reproduce the study (including check points that does not require massive resources)
  • regularly check in research notes
  • present the results in slides and discuss a simple logical story to publish
  • write a rough first draft and shadow the mentor (PI or a senior) while the mentor refine the manuscript
  • the converged manuscript will be submitted to a preprint server (and a peer-reviewed journal for revision)
  • the student (with first-author contribution) will attend a conference to present the work and build professional connections (potential collaborators and reference letter writers)

Publication Process

  • shadow the PI through the manuscript submission and peer-review process
  • (optional) the student and the PI will follow up with the connection built at conferences to reinforce the relationship
  • (optional) the student will record a short video presentation to describe the main results for general audience
Core Research Projects (2nd/3rd/4th Years)


The student will plan the core research direction with the PI for his/her dissertation (determine an outline and a first set of scientific questions for the thesis)

Training focus

use developed research experience to build up research independence

Manuscript Preparation

  • carry out the research with more freedom and only mentored during regular or on-demand research meetings
  • the PI will focus on helping the student avoid divergence and serve as a critical reviewer (devil's advocate)
  • the student will attempt to write a good first draft (avoiding scientific criticism as much as possible) and shadow the PI during refinement
  • converged manuscript will be submitted by the student to a preprint server and a peer-reviewed journal for revision
  • planning conference presentation and building connections

Publication Process

  • same as first project
  • (optional) the student will use the publication to apply and compete for an award
  • (optional) mentor other students: the core project can serve as an alternative to the Initial Research Project of another trainee with the student being the mentor
Wrapping up (4th/5th/6th Years)
  • Plan for the next step (e.g., postdoc application, national lab, and industry transition)
  • Program requirements (e.g., Dissertation)
  • Making connections and online presence
  • Archive/transition research project