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Standard Training: Research

Elements of Research
A Significant Problem

an open question relevant to our objectives

A Solution

a proposed (ideally simple and general) solution to the problem


supportive case studies and physical/chemical intuitions to showcase the effectiveness of the solution

Evidences include:
  • proof-of-principle case: a simple (ideally simplest possible) and representative case study that shows the solution solves the problem (keeping everything else fixed)
  • facts: a limiting condition with an analytical solution or an experimental observable sensitive to the introduction of the solution
  • scope: a variety of systems to show wide applicability
How to approach a scientific question/problem?
  • develop a hypothesis (anticipatory answer/solution to the question/problem)
  • design (computational) experiments to test/prove the hypothesis
  • repeat previous steps until hypothesis passes several (say ~3) independent tests
  • develop a story from the hypothesis to make it a theory (as well as a manuscript that delivers (ideally) a single and coherent message)



Keep it simple
  • Occam's razor
  • minimize mistakes
  • easy to understand, interpret, and present