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8. Account Setup SOP


primary software DevOPs platform


  1. Sign up for a free GitLab account
  2. Send Hsin-Yu your GitLab username so that you can have access as a member of the KRG Team
Zotero Group

access KRG reference library


  1. Sign up for a free Zotero account
  2. Send Hsin-Yu your Zotero username to be invited as a member
  3. Explore group library


By requesting access to KRG Zotero Group, you agree not to redistribute any of the documents. Exceptions must be requested to and granted by Hsin-Yu on a case-by-case basis.


access university computers and software subscription


  1. After admission/enrollment, you will obtain your UNT EUID and UNT email address.
  2. Request access to KRG Teams Channel (using this link)
  3. After joining the channel, please update contact information in the KRG Admin Sheet
  4. After an account request for CRUNTCH4 (made for you by Hsin-Yu), please follow instructions provided by Dr. Khetrapal to complete the setup.